accounts receivable

Unsecured Invoice Financing vs. Unsecured Business Loans

If you are a small business owner in India, you may have felt the need for availing institutional business finance at one time or other. However, if you managed to secure a business loan or not is an entirely different matter. Despite the recent progresses in the business-friendly environment in the country, business finance remains a critical issue for SMEs …

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invoice finance benefits

How does Invoice Finance Works and What are its Benefits for SMEs

Invoice financing is a mode of business finance which offers a fast-cash solution for companies with commercial customers or suppliers. The invoice financing process is quite straight-forward and faster than other business loans. Here; How does Invoice Finance Works? Your business gets a purchase order form, which is an agreement that lists the contract between you and the buyer, detailing …

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Difference Between Supply Chain Finance and Trade Finance

There are many ways a business can get finance, but what matters is how fast and easy it is to get a business loan rather than which lender you get it from. In this post we will analyses two of the fastest business finance options and how they compare to each other. Supply chain finance: It is a kind of …

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The Pros and Cons of Invoice Financing for SMEs

Invoice financing allows small and medium business owners to raise money against a percentage of their invoices before the payment is cleared by the customer. However, invoice financing comes at cost as it reduces the actual value of the total invoice amount by deducting processing charges and interest. Therefore, invoice financing is not for everyone as it only fits specific …

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purchase invoice financing

What is Purchase Invoice Financing and How Does it Work?

Invoice financing has emerged as the latest trend in India’s SME finance market. It allows quick business finance for small and medium enterprises with commercial clients by allowing them to encash their bills earlier than the due date. Purchase invoice financing or purchase order financing is a form of invoice finance that allows sellers to meet their working capital flow. …

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invoice discounting

Invoice Discounting: Advantages and Disadvantages

Small businesses often find it difficult to manage their invoicing cycles and as a result fall short in their working capital needs. Invoice discounting allows a small business owner to get a quick business loan by submitting cleared invoices as collateral. This very short-term loan expires on the due date of the invoices submitted as surety. Marketplace lenders like LivFin …

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credit control manager

Difference Between Invoice Discounting and Invoice Factoring

Fintech services have drastically transformed the ways in which a small business owner can raise capital these days. Where previously secured business loans were the only viable option for getting quick business finance, nowadays a range of financial products and service exist for the exclusive benefit of small business borrowers. Invoice discounting and invoice factoring are both financial services that …

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working capital

How to Get a Small Business Loan Easily

Getting a business loan can seem like a chore to small business owners looking for quick working capital finance in India. The banks with their NPA problems are wary as ever and the non-banking and private financiers have been feeling the pinch ever since the demonetization back in 2016. However, it is not all bad news for SMEs looking to …

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invoice financing

What is Invoice Financing and How to Take Benefit from it?

Invoice financing is a unique way of getting a working capital loan. It is also one of the best ways to streamline your finances and ensure a healthy working capital fund. What is invoice financing? Invoice financing is an asset-based lending product which allows your company to get finance in lieu of slow-paying accounts receivable. There are two ways of …

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invoice discounting

Understanding Invoice Discounting – What is It and benefits for Small Businesses in India

If you are a small business owner in India, you may be well aware of the financing problems faced by SMEs in general. Getting paid on time and investing that money to generate more business is a chore in itself for every small business owner. Ideally, this shouldn’t be the case and a business owner should have maximum time to …

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